School Supplies
Springdale Elementary School Supply List 2024-25
(3) Boxes of Kleenex
(1) orange 2 pocket folder
(2) 24 Pack of #2 pencils (Ticonderoga recommended)
(6) boxes Crayola crayons 8 count
(12) +glue sticks
(1) pencil box (no pouches please)
(1) pair Fiskar scissors
(1) box of gallon size Ziploc bags
(1) box of quart size Ziploc bags
Lysol spray, dry erase markers, white or colored cardstock, (2) Clorox or Lysol wipes, index cards (for sight words)
First Grade
(3) 24 pack of No. 2 pencils (Please no Dixon)
(3) Dry Erase markers (for student use)
(1) Pencil pouch (no plastic boxes)
(10) Glue Sticks
(1) Scissors
(4) Boxes of crayons
(6) Boxes of Kleenex
(4) Clorox wipes
(1) Five Star folder with prongs & 2 pockets
(1) pack of 25 standard or heavy duty sheet protectors
(3) rolls of paper towels
Boys - 1 box of gallon size ziploc bags
Girls - 1 box of quart size ziploc bags
Second Grade
(2) Packs of yellow #2 Pencils (No Dixon or plastic wrapped)
(3) Packs of cap erasers
(8) highlighters
(4) boxes tissues
(1) pair of scissors
(1) pack of black dry erase markers
(1) Inch/Centimeter/Flexible ruler-NO slap bracelet
(6) Glue sticks
(2) Composition notebooks (non-wired)
(1) Soft pencil pouch (no plastic boxes)
(1) Mead Five-Star pocket & prong folder (with stay put tabs)
25 sheet protectors, inside the folder
(2) packs of 24 ct. Crayola crayons
(1) pair of headphones with name on them (no earbuds please)
(1) wireless mouse for chromebook use (Optional)
(2) Clorox/Lysol wipes
(2) rolls of paper towels
Wish List Items:Colored & white card stock, constuction paper, fine line Crayola markers
Third Grade
(2) pack of loose leaf paper
(1) 4 pack dry erase markers
(2) packs of 24 #2 pencils (NO Dixon or plastic wrapped)
(2) pack pencil top erasers
(1) pack highlighters
(1) Soft pencil pouch (no boxes)
3 box pack of tissues
(1) Mead Five Star plastic folders with prongs & stay tabs
(2) pack of 24 count crayons
(1) pair of scissors
(3) glue sticks
(2) composition notebooks (no spiral)
(1) earbuds or headphones (optional)
(1) 25 count pack of clear sheet protectors (put 10 in the folder)
Wish List Items:quart or gallon sized Ziploc bags, paper towels, Clorox wipes
Fourth Grade
(1) 4 pack of multi-colored highlighters
(3) Packs wide-ruled loose leaf paper
(2) packs of pencils (no lead pencils)
(2) Packs of pencil top erasers
(3) Boxes of Kleenex
(2) 1 in. 3 ring binders with pockets
Wish List Items: Clorox wipes; card stock; paper towels
Fifth Grade
(2) Packs of wide ruled loose-leaf paper
(3) Packs of #2 pencils
(3) Boxes of Kleenex
(2) single subject spiral notebooks
(2) packs Dry Erase markers
(1) small pack of red ink pens
(2) packs of Highlighters
((2) packs of colored pencils
(1) Earbuds or headphones for Chrome book
(2) 100 count lined note cards
(1) 3 pack of sticky notes
(1) Box gallon size Ziploc bags
Sixth Grade
(3) Boxes of Kleenex
(3) Packs of #2 pencils
(4) 150 sheets of loose leaf paper
(2) pack of cap erasers
(1) pack of Crayola Markers
(1) pack colored pencils or crayons
(2) packs glue sticks
(1) wired earbuds or headphones for Chrome book (no wireless)
(2) two-pocket folders
(1) composition notebook
(1) Pencil pouch
(1) 2 inch 3 ring binder
(1) pack of dividers
(1) pair of scissors
(1) pack multi-colored highlighters
(2) packs dry erase markers
Wish List Items: (2) extra dry erase markers, (1) pack of sticky notes
Seventh & Eighth Grades
(1) 2-3 inch binder (ELA class)
(1) 1 ½ in. binder (for Math class)
(2) 8 pk 3-ring tab dividers (place one pk. in each binder)
(4) pks loose leaf paper (place one pk. in each binder & 1 pk. each for SS & Science class)
(3) Packs index cards (ELA class-2 pks., Math class -1 pk)
(2) Composition books (1 for SS & 1 for science)
(2) Pocket folders (one for ELA class & one for SS class)
(1) Pencil pouch with the following items: (will be carried to each class)
(1) 12 count pk. colored pencils
(1) 4 pack highlighters (1 each – yellow, blue, pink, green)
(1) 3 pack sticky notes
(1) Pair Earbuds
(4) pks. #2 pencils (1 pk in pouch, the rest in locker)
Wish List Items: Kleenex, standard size clipboard (9X12.5)
Quart size Ziplock bags
Mrs. Maples’ Room Wish List for Supplies
60 count jot index cards on spiral ring
Index cards
Glue sticks
Pencil box
Large erasers
1 inch binder with clear durable view on the front