Grade Level Information
Homeroom Teachers
Supply List
Kindergarten Supply List 2024-2025
(3) Boxes of Kleenex
(1) orange 2 pocket folder
(2) 24 Pack of #2 pencils (Ticonderoga recommended)
(6) boxes Crayola crayons 8 count
(12) +glue sticks
(1) pencil box (no pouches please)
(1) pair Fiskar scissors
(1) box of gallon size Ziploc bags
(1) box of quart size Ziploc bags
Lysol spray, dry erase markers, white or colored cardstock, (2) Clorox or Lysol wipes, index cards (for sight words)
Homeroom Teachers
Supply List
First Grade
(3) 24 pack of No. 2 pencils (Please no Dixon)
(3) Dry Erase markers (for student use)
(1) Pencil pouch (no plastic boxes)
(10) Glue Sticks
(1) Scissors
(4) Boxes of crayons
(6) Boxes of Kleenex
(4) Clorox wipes
(1) Five Star folder with prongs & 2 pockets
(1) pack of 25 standard or heavy duty sheet protectors
(3) rolls of paper towels
Boys - 1 box of gallon size ziploc bags
Girls - 1 box of quart size ziploc bags
Homeroom Teachers
Supply List
Second Grade
(2) Packs of yellow #2 Pencils (No Dixon or plastic wrapped)
(3) Packs of cap erasers
(8) highlighters
(4) boxes tissues
(1) pair of scissors
(1) pack of black dry erase markers
(1) Inch/Centimeter/Flexible ruler-NO slap bracelet
(6) Glue sticks
(2) Composition notebooks (non-wired)
(1) Soft pencil pouch (no plastic boxes)
(1) Mead Five-Star pocket & prong folder (with stay put tabs)
25 sheet protectors, inside the folder
(2) packs of 24 ct. Crayola crayons
(1) pair of headphones with name on them (no earbuds please)
(1) wireless mouse for chromebook use (Optional)
(2) Clorox/Lysol wipes
(2) rolls of paper towels
Wish List Items:
Colored & white card stock, constuction paper, fine line Crayola markers